So, we will be getting our silver baby hopefully sometime this Sunday, which is good. It gives my boyfriend and I plenty of time to get our home ready for him.
With that said, the breeder provided a mini list of things that they currently have their bengals in the habit of doing. Their litter box is a giant, 10 gallon tote. On top of that, they fill it with wood pellets.. and I quote.. "the kind you burn in wood stoves." and this is what throws me off. They mention a place that sells it, but them being in a completely different state up North and myself being down South, we do not have that store here.. and we also do not have the Premium Wood Pellets that they use for litter. I know it's best to try and stick with the things they're used to, but I don't know what to use as a litter now. I've also NEVER in my life used Wood Pellets as a litter for any of my cats, so I'm just confused really. I don't want to throw kitty off with some random, grainy litter and he ends up pooping and peeing wherever he wants.
Does anyone use a wood pellet brand that they can recommend? Something that I can just.. get at a pet store or off the internet. (Yes, I tried to find their brand of wood pellets on the internet. Nothing.)