I don't know why more vets don't insist on the cat Onesies that leave the cone off and still protect the stitches. The cone does not allow the cat to groom but the Onesie will in places the Onesie doesn't cover. No pet, dog or cat, likes the cone and most have to wear it until the stitches come out. By the time you could order a Onesie and it arrived, the stitches would be off. You might want to create a bed out of a box, line it with a soft blanket and see if she prefers that to a litter box. She is seeking the most comfortable place for her and right now, that is the litter box. You definitely do not want any litter getting into the wound.
Just a thought ... you might Google and find where you can create a Onesie out of an old t-shirt or something else that you don't mind cutting up. I know on tiny cats, they use a sock.
The days will fly by and soon the cone will be a thing of the past for her.