Sorry, could not find your email and have managed to work out how to copy and paste so here is the report.
Basic Science Bldg, Rm 2095
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0709
858 534-1537
Re: Complete muscle and peripheral nerve profiles on case #89577-05
STAINS EMPLOYED: H & E, modified trichrome, PAS, ATPases at pH 9.8 and 4.3,esterase, NADH-TR acid pase, alkaline pase, oil red O, SPA-HRPO
Fresh and fixed biopsies were submitted from the quadriceps and biceps femoris muscles for evaluation. Similar changes were present within both muscles. There was mild, generalized myofibers and contained myelin ovoids. Superperineurial edema and moderate mononuclear cell infiltrates were present within the nerve branches. No other abnormalities were identified with any of the above staining methods of enzyme reactions. Fresh and fixed biopsies were also submitted from the peroneal nerve. The fixed biopsy was plastic embedded and evaluated in sections. In the fixed biopsy, a portion of a nerve fascicle was present that contained cracks due to the previous freezing. Other than this artifactual change, no specific abnormalities were identified in fixed or frozen sections.
CONCLUSION: Neuropathy/denervation with a markedly distal distribution. The peripheral nerve biopsy was normal. Distal dennervation in this case may be post infectious disease,
inflammatory, or associated with toxicity such as occurs with organophosphates.
G Diane Sheldon D V M Ph D
Diplomate, ACVIM (Internal Medicine)