No, that's not one I've tried. Serafina is so obsessed with wand toys, she goes nuts, and it's so important to her. Whenever I even walk by the room where she knows the toys are kept, she's sprint in there meowing, then look at me sadly like I'd be the biggest scumbag alive if I didn't bust out a toy and play with her just then. And my oriental, Neytiri, always magically appears when the toys come out too. Gaga is too dignified to play with such things. She'll only chase after her little bouncy balls, which she carries around hollering at me to throw them for her, many times a day. This morning I woke up with 2 of her balls next to me on the bed. Oops, good thing I'm a sound sleeper.
Although I'm a huge Jackson Galaxy fan, sadly most of the products he's attached his name to, seem to be complete crap, imo. But I'll have to give that one a try. I'll look for it! Thanks for the recommendation.
_________________ The little monsters 3