So previously I posted about our explosive diarrhea issues and constant trips to the vet and multiple expensive tests and prescriptions that didn't help and never diagnosed anything The last straw for me was when I scraped together the money for the GI panel, starved my kitten all day as instructed by the vet, brought her in for the test and they did not do it. They said she tried to bite them, and they wanted to put her under general anesthesia just to draw her blood. There was no way I was going to do that considering I was not even convinced she needed this test.
I took her and all her previous test results to another vet, They told me I was given misinformation about her previous bloodwork when I was told it was abnormal. They said her blood work was "excellent" They said some of her values that were high were just because she is a kitten and still growing and that it is normal for a kitten.They said her high white count was not even that high and that it does not mean infection and could be just inflammation because of the diarrhea. This vet seemed much more knowledgeable about Bengals and we had our vaccinations done right there and then, where as the previous vet had refused them all this time. They said it is fine to keep her on the food that she is doing well with and no need for prescription food.
We have also scheduled her spay in a few weeks when she turns 6 months old.